Education Component
Education is key to development. For years, poverty has limited the access of the community’s children to education. Despite the relative proximity of Arya Jawi Wereda, to Nekemte city, distance, impassable rivers during rainy seasons, and the rugged terrain of the Wereda has made the community “near” but “remote” at the same time. The combined impact of poverty and accessibility to main roads worked against children’s education. Limited efforts were made to open a primary school in the area but due to limitations of resources, it was not possible to provide access to quality education. Worse still, children who had completed certain grade levels could not continue by moving to Nekemte due to lack of financial support or relatives who could provide support.
Being cognizant of all of the above problems, the Buraka Memorial Foundation aims at providing support including educational sponsorship to promising but needy boys and girls to help them pursue their education at both elementary and secondary levels. The support package will be determined at the field level taking into account the local contexts of their family resource and available assistance. Ten to twenty students will be supported at any given time, although this figure is subject to revision to reflect the availability of funds.
2. Project Implementation Strategy
Identification and Recruitment of Buraka Descendants
The success of the education project will heavily depend on the implementation steps that will be put in place. A crucial starting point is the identification, outreach toand securing of financial commitment of Buraka descendants. Buraka's descendants are spread out far and wide with little or no communication between them. One of the side benefits of the Buraka Foundation will be the revival and maintenance of communications and interactions between descendants with possibilities of dialogue and good cause efforts honor a common ancestor. Arya Jawi shall remain the ancestral focal point and it would be incumbent on descendants to contribute to the overall development of the Arya Jawi through voluntary and sacrificial giving. In doing so, Buraka descendants will ensure the upholding of common goals which will eventually lead to the strengthening of relationships and mutual support. An ancestral hero of Buraka’s stature definitely deserves a Foundation.
2.2 Management Structures
The structures proposed below are subject to revision pending alternative approaches or suggestions.
Three bodies have been proposed:
2.2.1 Executive Committee in Diaspora
This consists of members who co-ordinate activities on behalf of Arya Jawi.
Duties and Responsibilities
Facilitate election of executive members
Carry out advocacy activities on behalf of Arya Jawi
Collect annual contributions/donations and transfer them to Ethiopia.
Receive feed-back from members and take appropriate actions
Explore possibilities of annual/bi-annual meetings of general membership or use . modern communication technologies to conduct businesses
Run “Arya Jawi: News and Views” Newsletter
Sensitize and motivate the general membership to be up to date in their annual contributions
· Review reports on Arya Jawi and take appropriate actions through Addis Ababa Committee.
· Carry out related activities that will be in the best interest of Arya Jawi
2.2.2 Addis Ababa Executive Committee
This consists of members who co-ordinate activities on behalf of Arya jawi.
Duties and Responsibilities
Facilitate election of executive committee members
Carry out advocacy activities on behalf of Arya Jawi
Collect annual contributions/donations and transfer them to Nekemte
Receive feed-back from members and take appropriate actions
Encourage the general membership to visit Ayra Jawi if and where possible
Explore possibilities of annual/bi-annual meetings of general membership or use modern communication technologies to conduct businesses
Run “Arya Jawi: News and Views” Newsletter
Review reports on Arya Jawi and take appropriate actions through Addis Ababa Committee
Sensitize and motivate the general membership to be up to date in their annual contributions
Carry out related activities that will be in the best interest of Arya Jawi
2.2.3 Nekemte Executive Committee
This consists of members who execute and monitor day-to-day activities at the grass- roots level in collaboration with the church elders at Arya Jawi and the Director of Arya Jawi School.
Duties and Responsibilities
Facilitate election of executive committee members
Work closely with parents/guardians of beneficiary children
Develop detailed selection criteria for scholarship recipients
Develop codes of conduct for beneficiaries to ensure that the sponsored children get maximum benefit out of the sponsorship program. The code of conduct shall cover conditions under which a beneficiary may forfeit the sponsorship.
Ensure that there will be transparency and accountability in the management of funds
Prepare and submit periodic financial and performance reports to be reviewed and used by Addis Ababa and Diaspora committees. Accounts shall be audited every year and reported to appropriate bodies.
Keep good records on finances and beneficiary children
Submit any information that may be requested by Addis Ababa Committee
Receive, host and brief visitors on the sponsorship program
Create conducive conditions for the sponsored children (secondary schools in particular) to play leadership roles in the community
Conduct literacy classes for adults with focus on women's groups
Organize discussion forums on subjects such as child rearing practices, Buraka Memorial Foundation, health education, etc for the community members.
Carry out related activities that will promote the best interest of Arya Jawi community
3. Income/Funding
The education program will be financed by the contributions of members at Diaspora and Addis Ababa level. The Nekemte committee members have been exempted on account of their services in kind. The members of the Diaspora Committee are expected to contribute voluntarily USD 20 per month (USD 240) a year. Donations are also highly appreciated. Modalities of collection of funds and transfer will be worked out by the Executive Committee.
The members of the Addis Ababa committee will contribute Birr 20 per month (Birr 240) a year. Modalities of collection of funds and transfer will be worked out by the committee.
4. Fund Management
Monies collected and transferred to Nekemte will be deposited in a designated bank account and operated by two individuals who are members of the Nekemte Committee. Use of checks is highly encouraged. Proper financial records shall be kept for annual audit which is mandatory. Nekemte committee shall prepare guidelines in financial management with the assistance of Addis Ababa Committee.
The names of participants (descendants) at different levels will be circulated at a later date. Interested individuals and well-meaning organizations are always welcome to support the Foundation. During the take off stage, election of office –bearers may be waived in favor of individuals who volunteer to spearhead the activities of the Foundation.